
FORUS Success Story

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Products and services

An OMS (Order Management System) is a tool that makes the life of a retailer much easier, and ensures its success and customer satisfaction. Designing and implementing a system like this is the work of technological experts able to integrate and adapt to tools that improve the management flow, adapt to the demands of a retail company, and know its needs perfectly. And that expert is CleverIt.

The mission

In the retail world, multichannel is the norm, in face-to-face channels, e-commerce, business partners, call centers and more. That's why at CleverIT our mission was to provide our client with complete IT Governance over their processes and products, simplifying and optimizing retail sales channels and ensuring end customer satisfaction. All applying high-level technologies and architectures, based on microservices, to serve +35 brands and +18 e-Commerce stores with the new logic of logistics.

Forus App

Our Objectives

• Process customer orders on a single platform, coming from multiple sales channels.

• Assign its execution and shipment to customers.

• Track the status of orders throughout the process.

• Synchronize that information across all systems where it should be available to people.

• Facilitate post-sales management.

• Improve order processing time and customer satisfaction.

Roadmap and methodology

The agile methodology and the Azure DevOps tool were used to manage the project, with a team of 6 people, made up of developers, Scrum Master, QA and Product Owner.

The solution was iteratively based on deliverables. The technologies used were Java, Rabbit MQ and MongoDB for the construction of the backend. For FORUS APP, event-based architecture was implemented, since it was much more scalable to efficiently cover the infrastructure in times of cyber and low demand, with development in the cloud, this application has overcome more than 7 Cyber Days (Peaks of demand in retail) without any setbacks or problems in the responses.

The Go-Live of the first MVP was to launch the application in the best-selling brand distributed by area, starting with the metropolitan region, reaching 100% implementation in less than 6 months and then on the rest of the channels.

Work and implementation

The work carried out with FORUS APP achieved high-value technological feats, such as connecting two companies that previously had not worked hand in hand and would not do it any other way: VTEX IO, one of the strongest e-commerce commercial offers in the market, and BBR, a very old after-sales company in the country, combining the new with the traditional thanks to our solution.


Forus's OMS (Order Management System) improved order processing by 80%, and increased the number of orders processed annually by 48%. Centralizing the management of more than 250,000 orders and successfully serving more than 3,000 active users. In addition, this implementation was achieved in +18 e-commerce for major brands, using the VTEX IO platform, in just 180 days.

The application has a highly intuitive design, easy to use by the user, generation of metrics and reports that are easy to share, and an experience that promotes productivity and streamlines post-sales processes.

Forus App

Optimize your operations, accelerate your processes and increase customer satisfaction with solutions designed for success.