
A rendition orchestrator to speed up delivery times in retail

Retail Industry
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Our client is a retail giant in Latin America, which needed to generate a system to accelerate the change in the state of surrender with respect to the delivery of products to its end customers.

Before the arrival of CleverIt, the process in question was carried out manually, so a dedicated system was needed. In addition, this surrender process was not automated, which was causing significant time losses in dispatching and removing products.

The Solution We Build

A decision tree was generated that would return the surrender status based on the input data defined by the business. Thanks to this, inconsistencies could be identified in dispatch or retirement, to alert interested teams who could correct them before calculating the surrender status. It is alerted when shipments and withdrawals are made outside the established delivery times. Additionally, the TRL system was integrated, which delivers evidence through Pub/Sub messaging.

Concrete results

  • Reduction of manual effort on equipment.
  • Increase of Reliability in states of surrender.
  • Improvement in response times in payments to carriers.

For more satisfied users

The Development team at CleverIt has a high-level professional who specializes in different languages and tools, so we have led large retail companies to meet their objectives.

In this success story, our client was able to face the great challenge of ensuring compliance with deadlines, in collaboration with a certified team committed to excellence. Why don't you be next?

Improve your delivery times in the retail industry