
Wizard: A team that redefined the retail user experience

Retail Industry
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Products and services

In this success story, we work with one of the largest supermarket retailers in Latin America. In their e-commerce they had a chatbot that was primarily used to resolve post-sales requests, a task that was not being fully carried out and in the face of which there were high levels of dissatisfaction on the part of users.

Analyze and propose in record time

In our commitment to innovation and continuous improvement, CleverIT provides a team that can address customer needs from a multidisciplinary perspective, with high-level talents in Agility, Development, UX and Marketing. The name of the team? Wizard: A group of professionals with the ability to take an idea within the customer's Innovation area, refine it and deliver it ready for implementation.

The work was carried out through a agile, flexible framework aligned with best practices to ensure efficiency throughout the process, always maintaining fluid and transparent communication with the customer. This was divided into five stages:

  • Define and discover: Each customer area has its own context, teams behind them with a great knowledge of their end users and the retail market. Therefore, this stage consisted of gathering all the necessary background to fully understand the need posed by the client, being an important step that kicked off the work with this project.
  • Understand: The users of this supermarket retailer have specific characteristics that would determine the decisions regarding the solution proposal that the Wizard team would make. At this stage, work was done to establish behavioral patterns of customer users, defining the journey they made within e-commerce to complete their purchases, according to different contexts; in addition, a hypothesis was developed to guide the team's work and also a technical analysis to fully define the scope of the proposal.
  • Plot: At this stage, the customer was already able to get an idea of what the proposal would look like, as the team worked on sketches of the solution, based on high-level architectural and flow diagrams, which allowed the customer's idea to be shaped to quickly implement improvements. In parallel, work began on a commercial presentation that would allow us to bring this proposal to different company leaders, with a view to its future implementation in our client's e-commerce; this is because different decisions, changes and tests were required in the process to achieve this.
  • Prototype: As a deliverable, a high-fidelity prototype was designed to represent the entire solution, according to the requirements and needs detected at the beginning of the project. This prototype considered a new assistant with artificial intelligence that will guide the buying process and answer questions about products and recipes. The new assistant could provide a better experience for users in e-commerce and also generate a positive impact on sales.

The Wizard Footprint

  • Speed and Efficiency: In less than a month, the Wizard team built a solution that could be made available in our customer's production environment.
  • Innovation with Artificial Intelligence: Thanks to the collaboration between client professionals and Wizard, the company's first Composable AI Stack was created and implemented, setting a precedent in artificial intelligence.
  • Tests with collaborators: A trial period was defined with a group of 200 customer workers to test the new assistant, with the new functionalities to help with questions about products and recipes.

Take innovation to the next level

This success story is a testament to our ability to transforming challenges into opportunities through innovation and the collaboration of multidisciplinary teams. At CleverIt, we're committed to helping you grow your business through customized technology solutions. If you want to improve your customer experience in an agile and efficient way, our Wizard team is ready to make your vision a reality.

Improve your customer experience with CleverIt